Community Events

Recreation / Social Committee Sponsored Events

All residents are welcome and encouraged to join this very active and busy committee. Our recreation committee is all volunteer and hosts many social programs throughout the year for our community.

– Wednesday Evenings in the clubhouse at 6:45 p.m.

– Thursday Evening in the clubhouse at 7:00 p.m

Each month movie night is featured at the clubhouse. Come enjoy a free movie  on the last Friday of the month. Email broadcasts will be sent along with a posting at the clubhouse of the featured flick!!! From time to time this date may change watch for alerts.

The Young At Heart Group meets every Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. at the Clubhouse.  All residents are welcomed and encouraged to join the “Young At Heart”.  There is no age limit.
Following the salute to the flag and a short business meeting, we enjoy coffee, tea, and desserts brought in by the members. Afterwards some of the ladies play cards, others chat, and the men retreat to the billiard room.
Occasionally, we may have a speaker. About every three months we have a luncheon in the clubhouse. During the holiday season we plan a luncheon at some nearby restaurant.
We are a fun loving, caring group. Come, join us, and meet your neighbors.
President: Mollie Tufano
Treasurer: Louise Sole

1st and 3rd Tuesdays of every month  at 7pm.
Join us for a nice evening with friends and share something what you know or learn something new.

What’s in your bag? Could it be knitting, crocheting or quilting? Maybe it’s crewel, needlepoint or crosstitch. Whatever it is, join us for some camaraderie and fun. Bring it along to Stitchers in the Glen. We meet on Monday evenings 6:00PM – 8:00PM at the Club House.

Have a question about Seasons Glen? Get in touch with a member of the AR Management Company team today!